How to help your child adjust to school after the holidays

– After school, do not make the child immediately do homework and, let him relax a little and play.

– Take an interest in school affairs and his classmates. Do not be indifferent to the school life of your child. This is especially important during the coronavirus pandemic, when it is not possible to gather in children’s companies and visit entertainment centers.

– At the beginning of the school year, do not burden the child with participation in many sections and circles.

Little 7 years old boy going to school with his mother

– Limit the amount of household chores. After all, the child needs to complete a lot of school tasks.

– Teach your child in the evening to prepare clothes and a briefcase for school. So he will not forget anything, will not be late and will calmly go to class.

– Try to control the completion of homework and, at least at first.

– It is necessary to limit the time for entertainment on the Internet and watching television. All this takes a lot of time and energy.

– Don’t forget the importance of a night’s rest. A teenager’s sleep should last at least 8-9 hours, and a younger student – 10-11 hours. It must be remembered that lack of sleep is always detrimental to the health and academic performance of children.

Mom and schoolgirl of primary school holding hands. The parent takes the child to school. Outdoors return to the concept of the school

– It is necessary to maintain contact with the class teacher or teachers. This way you will learn about possible school problems and quickly solve them. After all, they interfere with successful learning.

– Stick to proper nutrition. The correct diet of the student will help to replenish the energy expended at school. Remember that its deficiency leads to low immunity. And this is unacceptable during the coronavirus period.

– Do not forget about the daily routine. The correct daily routine, drawn up with the child, should include time for study and rest, playing sports in sections and circles.

Following all these tips will help your child quickly and efficiently adapt to school and fully integrate into the learning process.