Yoga therapy for joint pain

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system can cause a lot of problems for people. Due to the limited mobility of the legs and arms, the performance of any housework is significantly complicated, building a career in your favorite profession is called into question, and opportunities for recreation are significantly limited. Moreover, if earlier the bulk of patients of rheumatologists and traumatologists-orthopedists were people aged 45 years and over, as well as workers whose professional duties are related to the movement of goods, being constantly on their feet, today you can increasingly meet doctors in clinics young people under the age of 30.

This situation has a very logical explanation. Joints tend to wear out during life, like any tissue in our body. Usually these processes occur slowly, so the first signs indicating the presence of joint disease may appear closer to 50 years. But if a person constantly experiences high loads on his legs, does not monitor his health, nutrition, neglects sports and physical education, then gradually the muscles surrounding the joint lose their tone. Because of this, blood circulation is disturbed, which leads to degeneration (destruction) of the cartilage layer in the joints, a decrease in the elasticity of the ligaments, and inflammation.

No less common cause of diseases of the musculoskeletal system are different types of injuries.

The first and most important thing that is required is to see a doctor and who examines the patient and recommends a set of special studies to clarify and make a diagnosis, as well as to prescribe adequate treatment. Yoga therapy for joint disease is not contraindicated, on the contrary, it can be an addition to the main course of treatment. Yoga classes will not only reduce pain, relieve symptoms of inflammation, but also strengthen the back, increase muscle tone, make the spine and joints flexible, more mobile.
The value of yoga exercises also lies in the fact that such gymnastics helps prevent arthritis, arthrosis, gonarthrosis and other diseases of the joints and spine.

In what cases does yoga help?
Special yoga therapy exercises are recommended for many people who have joint problems, want to reduce pain, make their movements easier. Particular attention should be paid to yoga if you notice the following signs:

unpleasant or painful sensations in the legs and arms that occur while walking or doing any work;
reduced motor activity (for example, it is difficult to raise your arms up or stretch them forward, from time to time your knees become “stony”);
when walking or as a result of other physical exertion, a characteristic crunch is heard, sometimes the joints can “jam” if you want to change your position;
regularly at the foot, in the knee area, on the fingers of the hands or in other parts, edema is formed, reddening of the tissues is noticeable (this indicates the accumulation of fluid in the articular bag and the development of inflammation).
How does yoga therapy help to eliminate the consequences of joint diseases?
Asanas for the treatment of arthritis or arthrosis are selected by the teacher, focusing on the recommendations of the attending physician and on the individual health characteristics of a particular person. The benefits of yoga therapy for restoring joint mobility are as follows:

Performing asanas provides a softer effect on damaged tissues, eliminates injury.
If we are talking about the treatment of the initial stages of arthritis, arthrosis, then yoga exercises help strengthen the muscle frame, which allows you to restore blood circulation and establish proper nutrition of the articular tissues, thereby preventing their further destruction.
In the case of advanced stages of diseases, it is possible to effectively relieve pain, reduce tissue swelling, develop joints, restoring their mobility.
Additionally, performing this or that exercise, there is a restoration of metabolic processes. Thanks to this, it is possible to normalize weight (as you know, excess body weight only aggravates the disease).
It must also be remembered that yoga generally improves well-being, stabilizes blood pressure, normalizes the state of the cardiovascular system, helps to overcome stress, improve sleep. Since due to illness a person suffers not only physically, but also experiences moral exhaustion, yoga therapy helps to restore a normal psychological background and remove signs of oppression.

For the safety of training, exercises are performed with support on the floor, walls, if necessary, you can use additional accessories to support the joints, for example, knee pads.