What is psychological readiness for school

The psychological readiness of a child for school and prime numbers list, or school maturity, is a complex indicator that allows you to predict how well a first grader will study. The key word in the definition is “successful”, since the value of primary school lies not only in the acquisition of new knowledge and skills by the child, but also in the fact that after a few years he will not lose interest in learning and gain self-confidence. That is why, speaking about the readiness criteria, the main thing can be considered the ability of the child to successfully study at the chosen school. And here’s what’s interesting: successful study is not guaranteed by the child’s ability to write, count, read. Intellectual development is important, but it is only one of the components of school maturity.

Components of psychological readiness for school
Considering school maturity as a complex concept, psychologists distinguish three components: the child’s personal readiness for school, volitional and intellectual. “First graders face different problems,” explains school psychologist Aleksandra Nikolaevna Rastopchina. – For example, some children may lag behind socially: it is difficult for them to obey the rules of the lesson, they have restless behavior. Others are in the intellectual: they cannot keep their attention, they do not understand the basic concepts.

In this case, a lot depends on the teacher and middle school science fair projects: if the teacher finds an approach to the child, then the situation gradually levels off. And no less important, according to what program is taught in elementary school. If the program, like the educational system “Primary School of the 21st Century”, takes into account the individual characteristics of each student, makes the learning process not only informative, but also interesting, then from the first school days a solid foundation will be laid for the future educational success of the child.

Let’s talk in more detail about each of the components of school maturity.

The personal readiness of a child for school and homework debate implies, first of all, independence, the ability to self-organize, and a craving for knowledge. The status of a student is new for a child, it means new rules and responsibilities. A first-grader has to learn to follow the school routine, come to class without delay, and behave appropriately in class. He improves the skill of communication with peers, learns to treat them as partners and build relationships. Personal readiness also includes emotional readiness: it is important that a first-grader has a positive attitude towards himself, classmates and teachers, and shows empathy.
Volitional readiness for school is expressed in the child’s ability to manage himself, to do not what he wants at the moment, but what is required. For a child going to first grade, the level of so-called voluntary behavior is important – consciously controlled behavior with a specific goal. That is, the child must observe discipline, listen to the teacher, complete assignments, be able to work according to the rules and according to the model.
Intellectual readiness for school is also called intellectual maturity. Developed attention, memory, thinking are important for the future first grader. Phonemic hearing, that is, the ability to hear and distinguish all the sounds of speech, must also be developed. It is thanks to developed phonemic hearing that a child can distinguish between a “bear” and a “mouse”, “house” and “tom”, correctly build phrases and sentences, coordinate case endings, number and gender of different parts of speech, and write correctly. Developed phonemic hearing is necessary for the successful development of the school curriculum.