Spring body cleansing yoga

In early spring, do not rush to do radical cleansing, start a minimal and warming program https://www.julianalucky.com/post/mommy-and-me-yoga-benefits:

Oiling the whole body will help balance Vata dosha
Rinse the nose (Jala-neti), do Sutra-neti to make it easier for the imminite
Take an Ayurvedic detox nutrition course to improve your metabolism
Use the right water treatments for gentle hardening
Do detox pranayama for health
And when spring comes into full force and the first leaves appear on the trees, carry out an intensive cleansing (it will be easier and more useful to do):

Half shell gesture
Use asanas that help detoxify the body, free it from toxins and winter lethargy, and of course, do more invigorating Surya Namaskars (this practice boosts hormonal levels)
Check out the full Shatkarm review to make sure you don’t miss anything in your program.
When doing any cleansing of the body and procedures, do not forget common sense and listen to your feelings.