Preparing the child for kindergarten, sight words for kindergarten

Preparing the child for kindergarten, sight words for kindergarten

Kindergarten is a new and very important stage in a child’s life. A new environment, a new rhythm of life, an unusual environment – a lot of new experiences and, for sure, stress. To ensure that such changes in life have not become an injury to you or to the psychology of the child, the preparation for kindergarten should be started long before the time comes the baby go there. What should be considered when preparing your baby for kindergarten?

For a child’s comfortable stay in kindergarten, certain skills are needed

The optimal age to introduce a child to kindergarten is from 2 to 4 years. By this age, children acquire the necessary self-service skills to be in a team and be able to take care of themselves: they already know how to use the pot, drink from a cup, eat with a spoon and at least partially know how to dress and undress. Of course, the child can learn this and in kindergarten, but he will feel uncomfortable with the fact that other children in the kindergarten already know how to do it.

Speaking of age, it is worth mentioning that at around three years of age, children are in a crisis period of 3 years. It is important to keep this in mind, to observe your child. At this age, children are aware of their self and try to show independence, independence, not knowing how to evaluate their skills and abilities. It is better to give your child to kindergarten before or after the crisis.

It is also extremely undesirable to give an older child to kindergarten immediately after the birth of a younger one. Of course, this will free mom a lot of time, but the older child for life will remember how he was exiled to kindergarten, so that he did not get confused under his feet and did not interfere with parents taking care of a brother or sister. Sight words for kindergarten where to start. The child’s psychology is such that it is extremely difficult to raise self-esteem after such a betrayal. Therefore, if you are expecting to replenish the family, send a senior to kindergarten in advance, so that he has time to get used to it and not to bind the two events.

You should set the correct schedule for the day in advance.

It is clear that a preschooler needs to get up early, go to bed early and sleep in the daytime, even on weekends, so as not to get used to the kindergarten regime. If these changes in the regime coincide with the beginning of kindergarten, nothing but negative and additional stress for the child will not bring. Therefore, parents should take care of setting the correct regime of the day in advance.

Don’t be lazy to find out about the daily routine in kindergarten, for example, when you take the manager’s voucher to kindergarten. Find out what time to bring your child to kindergarten and when to put them to bed, and use this information to correct your child’s daily routine in advance. Teach your child to brush their teeth and comb their hair as soon as they wake up. If you have had a different experience before, even this seemingly minor change introduced in the first days of kindergarten can upset your baby.

Pay attention to the child’s emotional state of mind.

So that the child is not shocked to find himself suddenly in kindergarten, show pictures from books and magazines that depict children in kindergarten, films and cartoons, tell various interesting stories about the kindergarten, so that he was waiting for this moment when he goes there. “Here, when you go to kindergarten, there will be other kids…” Try to give the child a positive attitude about kindergarten. Tell him about life in kindergarten: toys, walks, parrots and fish, as well as mode, nutrition and sleep. Let your child see that other children of his age also go to kindergarten, communicate and have a wonderful time together. Tell your child more often that you are proud of him: he has become so big, adult, he will soon go to kindergarten! Stress this in conversations with relatives and friends, so that the child hears it.

Social preparation is important for the child’s comfortable existence as a team, first grade sight words.

In kindergarten, a child not only develops physically and intellectually, but also learns the norms of behavior in society. It is therefore important that the child already has an understanding of the norms of behaviour – he or she must understand the prohibitions, obey adults, observe discipline and a clear daily routine established in kindergarten. It is not difficult to prepare your child for this, it is enough to make a certain daily routine for your child and stick to it. Gradually adjust your home regime to the regime of kindergarten.

Preparing the child for kindergarten, sight words for kindergarten

The ability of the child to communicate with other children, to share or change toys, not to take away toys from other children and not to fight with them. Your child should understand that you should not hurt other children or let them hurt you. Even if a child is quite sociable, you should understand that preparing a child for kindergarten takes time, and it is not a month or two, but at least six months. First grade sight words for children. Spend more time on playgrounds, go to visit friends with young children. It is good if the circle of communication with the child will include children who already go to kindergarten.

Ability to communicate with the teachers. An untrained child who is used to being near his mother all the time will experience enormous stress from the need to be in an unusual place (kindergarten) with strangers (teachers) and obey them. To make it easier for a child to get used to being in kindergarten, it is necessary to expand its circle of communication, more often to go with him to visit, to call guests to themselves. It is important that the child learns that there are other adults besides Mom and Dad and learns to communicate with them. Try, at least sometimes, to leave your child with unfamiliar people (it may be your grandmother who doesn’t come to see you often, or your close friend) for a few hours so that he or she understands that close people are not always there for him or her, and there is nothing wrong with that.

It is also important that the child is psychologically prepared to have no parents.

One of the most important aspects of a child’s readiness for kindergarten is the ability to part with his or her mother. It is the task of parents to get their child used to your absence well in advance. When going to kindergarten, the child should know that it is not at the whim of the mother or grandmother, who no longer want to stay with him at home, but for a very good reason. If the baby in front of his eyes has an example of a working daddy, you can explain in advance to the child that his mother also now goes to work to earn money and buy something that otherwise will not be able to acquire. The main thing is that the child is convinced that by attending kindergarten, he performs the most important mission and provides invaluable help to parents, which, in general, is not far from the truth. The awareness of the importance of being in the kindergarten will greatly simplify the process of the child’s adaptation in the kindergarten and will reduce the heat of emotions during the farewell. The child now knows why he or she goes to kindergarten. But it is important for him to know that his mother will definitely come back for him, do not forget to tell him about it. The child should understand that after a short absence, you will definitely come for him, and while he can do his business, no less important.

So, to minimize all worries and stress, you need to properly prepare your baby for kindergarten, which, unfortunately, many parents do not even think about and give children in kindergarten, despite their willingness, when it comes time to go to work or manage to get a ticket to kindergarten. Remember: the more time you spend preparing your child for kindergarten, the easier it will be to blend in with the new rhythm of life. The correctness of your actions and words will determine how your child will adapt to kindergarten.