Adverb of concession

Adverb of concession

Adverb of concession the threshold of the newly graduated university an interesting idea comes to mind: “have those five (and who have all six) years passed in vain? Another ingenious idea: “Well, who needs a new employee without work experience, and how much can an employer pay to get such a “cool specialist”? Somehow, there is a terrible feeling that the answer to these sudden questions will not be pleasant.

Of course, you may not care about your diploma, years of torment in the university, sleepless nights during sessions and, if there are any, your “high-grade” knowledge, and change your specialization to a job far from your favorite specialty, let’s say, with the protection of a relative. One more option, you can become a manager (this is a person who devotes all his working time to finding an answer to the question “why am I here?) There is another great opportunity to have a good time right after the university, which, unfortunately, is available only to a strong half of humanity – to join the army for a year.

But what to do if there are no relatives or acquaintances with connections, thanks to M.N. Zadornov the stereotype about worthlessness of all Russian managers has taken root in your mind, and in general you are a girl (or just not fit for service in the ranks of our glorious armed forces)?

You should not be upset. Sooner or later, you will find a job (of course, the salary will bring more sad thoughts than positive ones). At first, of course, you will be entrusted with the most unimportant, unnecessary and uninteresting work that your esteemed boss can think of. Do not despair, it has its advantages: first, you will not be tired and will be able to quietly devote your time and energy to more interesting and important aspects of life. The first period of working life is ideal for settling problems in personal life and laying the foundation for family life. Another possible way to make rational use of the period called “first stage of career ladder” is personal self-development and continuation of math magician multiplication education.

Adverb of concession

Of course, self-development is a noble cause, but only available to people with a great layer of will. Imagine the picture – you come home after a day at work and instead of chatting with the family, sit on social networks or idly lying on the sofa in front of your favorite zombie, you sit behind the books and start learning, for example, the basic techniques used to calculate the plate heat exchangers. This situation is likely to seem unlikely to an ordinary Russian. Although, what the hell is not a joke.

Still, the methods of voluntary coercion have never failed. Therefore, in order to increase the efficiency of the cognitive process, it would not hurt to enroll in advanced training or retraining courses. For the most diligent, you can consider an option with additional education. If you are working late, or if the idea of spending three or four nights a week is repugnant to your mind, then think, for example, about obtaining a diploma of distance learning (although this option is frightening too long – who knows what will happen in five or six years?).

Evening education seems more effective for two reasons: first, training is repeated with a certain periodicity on a selected period of time (depending on the university and the specialty itself, you can study from 502 hours and, as they say, to infinity, but still on average the upper limit is 3-4 years). The second reason is personal contact with a teacher. Live communication, no matter how you twist, brings more useful fruit, because only rare units can deal with the intricacies of the subject on their own, and who knows how and what the teacher will ask during the exam or offset.

The market for additional education and professional retraining of various types in Russia is thriving. Almost every university offers courses and different types and coloring of diplomas. The most common specialties are translation, marketing – manager, psychologist and economist. The most popular among correspondence students are legal, economic, and technical education, including the most diverse IT-specialists.